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Dr. Shraddha Rai, Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Mumbai. JUL 17. 3 years ago


Sarcoma is a type of cancer that can occur in various locations in your body.

Sarcoma is the general term for a broad group of cancers that begin in the bones and in the soft (also called connective) tissues (soft tissue sarcoma). Soft tissue sarcoma forms in the tissues that connect, support and surround other body structures. This includes muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons and the lining of your joints.

There are more than 70 types of sarcoma. Treatment for sarcoma varies depending on sarcoma type, location and other factor

1. Ewing sarcoma: Sarcoma of bones and joint, usually affects the children and adolescents.

2. Leiomyosarcoma: cancer cells grows in smooth muscles. Smooth muscles of hollow organ like stomach, intestine.

3. Liposarcoma: cancer of fat cells

4. Osteosarcoma: sarcoma of bones

5. Rhabdomyosarcoma: sarcoma of muscle cells


Signs and symptoms of sarcoma include:

  • A lump that can be felt through the skin that may or may not be painful
  • Bone pain
  • A broken bone that happens unexpectedly, such as with a minor injury or no injury at all
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Diagnosis: Tests and procedures used to diagnose sarcoma
  • A physical exam.
  • Imaging Tests: X-rays, are better for seeing bone problems. Other tests, such as MRI, are better for seeing connective tissue problems. Other imaging tests might include ultrasound, CT, bone scans and positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
  • Biopsy: How a biopsy sample is collected depends on your particular situation. It could be removed with a needle passed through the skin or cut away during an operation.
  • Treatment

Sarcoma is usually treated with surgery to remove the cancer. Which treatments are best for you will depend on the type of sarcoma, its location, how aggressive the cells are and whether cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Treatment for sarcoma might involve:

  • Surgery: The goal of surgery for sarcoma is to remove all of the cancer cells.
  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams, such as X-rays and protons, to kill cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a drug treatment that uses chemicals to kill cancer cells. Some types of sarcoma are more likely to respond to chemotherapy treatment than others.
  • Targeted Therapy
  • Immunotherapy


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