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Dr. Darshana Deka, BAMS, MD (Kaya Chikitsa), Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Guwahati. AUG 20. 3 years ago

Improving Cancer Outcomes by Improving Diet and Lifestyle

A healthy diet and lifestyle can sustain Cancer treatments and assists better feeling.

Imroving cancer outcomes by improving diet and lifestyle helps to enhance long term health.

What do we understand by the term ‘Cancer Outcomes’

It simply means Cancer Prognosis.

Cancer outcomes are nothing but the forecast of the disease course after cancer diagnosis. Cancer related death, likelihood of recovery, rate of local recurrence or even probability of metastasis to distant sites all come under the umbrella word Cancer outcomes.

Why we need to know about Cancer Outcomes

- To assist proper recovery,

- Prevention of cancer recurrence or to increase disease free period

- To resist cancer metastasis

- To avoid cancer deaths at early ages

- To maintain quality of life and to sustain a good life span

What we can do to Improve Cancer Outcomes

- Early Diagnosis

- Timely intervention with proper treatment

- To complete the prescribed treatment schedule without any self made gap.

- To avoid probable causative factors/risk factors

- Opt for Improved Diet and Lifestyle

- Follow Ayurveda to retain the health of recovered patients

Improving Cancer Outcomes by improving Diet and Lifestyle

Diet Modification

- To observe healthy eating pattern

  • Avoid high calorie diet and to take highly nutritious food including colourful vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  • Avoid red meat or processed foods and take fish, poultry, beans as main sources of protein
  • Avoid sweetened drinks and alcohol
  • Take enough Anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and 2-3 litres of water daily to avoid dehydration
Lifestyle Modification

- Maintain a healthy weight, BMI should be kept within normal range

- To involve in regular physical activities and minimise sedentary lifestyle

- Use relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga to reduce stress for a good physical and mental health.

- To get adequate sleep 7-8 hrs per day to maintain good health, weight control and mood enhancement.

Ayurveda for Improving Cancer Outcomes by Improving Diet and Lifestyle

Dietary Changes

- Astavidh Ahara vidhi vishes Ayatana (8 basic dietary guidelines) ie. Knowledge of Prakriti (nature of food), Karana (food processing), Samyoga (combination of food), Rashi (proper quantity), Desha (place place of intake), kala (proper time), Upayoga-Samstha (procedure for intake of food) and Upayokta (consumer) and knowledge of pathya-apathya (wholesome and unwholesome diet), viruddha ahara (incompatible diet) help in proper digestion and maintainance of Agni. Most of the relapse or recurrence of colon cancer, stomach and rectal cancer cases are due to intake of wrong food items or improper dietary behaviour.

Lifestyle Changes

- To follow measures of Swasthavritta (regimen to maintain good health) like Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ratricharya (night regimen), Vyayama (physical exercises), Mental regimen like Sadvritta and Achar rasayana (ethical and moral activitiesfor good mental health).

- Nidra (Sleep) : Proper sleep at right time is essential for wellbeing and good quality of life. Nidra Viparyaya (improper sleep), Prajagaran (late night sleep), Divaswapna (daysleep) are responsible for improper sleep which covers almost 50% of all diseases and relapse of several chronic diseases.

- Practice of yoga and meditation for the relief of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

- Pranayama and breathing exercises are best for good lung health in the recovery period for those with weekened respiratory system.

- Ayurvedic Snehana - Swedana (oleation and massage therapy) - Judicial use of this with expert’s advice can be very much promising in recovery of patients with nerve damage, loss of muscle power, hand grip, less finger movements, posture abnormalities. These are very much beneficial during the post treatment recovery period.

Improving Cancer Outcomes with Nutrient Energy

- With the unique concept that Our Food is the Reservoir of Energy, Ayurvedic Nutrient Energy Treatment helps to attain individual specific Nutrition. With proper nutrition in the form of Nutrient energy treatment cancer is very much controllable in the form of enrichment of vitality, arrest of further spread, get rid of complications and expansion of life span.

- With proper nutrition,Ayurveda prevents health detoriation and progressive weight loss.

- Makes immune system stronger.

- Improves recovery of cancer patients through self healing mechanism.

- Confines ongoing treatment hazards.

- Provides sufficient strength to fight with the cancer outcomes.

- Enhances quality of life.

Improving Cancer Outcomes by Improving Diet and Lifestyle


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