Apart from being a tribute to all the brain tumour patients and the struggles they and their families face, the day is also regarded as an International Day to spread awareness about the disorder and share information on it. A tumour is basically an abnormal growth of cells. It is usually divided into two main types of tumours: benign and malignant. When the tumour cells are normal, it is benign whereas if the cells are growing abnormally and uncontrollably then they are regarded as cancerous cells, thus they are called malignant. Even though the symptoms of a brain tumour depend on the size of the tumour and the location of the tumour, there are some basic symptoms that are associated with a brain tumour. Symptoms including severe frequent headaches, unexplained nausea or vomiting, loss of sensation or movement in limbs, difficulty with balance, vision problems including blurred vision, double vision or loss of vision, speech difficulties, as well as unexplained seizures.
The brain tumour is diagnosed by using methods like MRI and CT scan, Angiogram, Neurologic exam as well as by Spinal tap. Treatments of a brain tumour depend on their location as well as their stage of development. you need to consult your physician if you find any such symptoms.
#worldbraintumourday #wbtd #June8 #braintumour #itmatters #takecare #togetherwecan #defeatcancer
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016