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Dr. Geethanjali Mada, BAMS, DEM Sr. Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Bengaluru. JUN 15. 3 years ago

Perspective of Ayurveda in Cancer Treatment : Let's Know About Ayurveda for Cancer

The ascending incidence of Cancer is a global phenomenon. It is the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. Cancer might have assumed prevalence in the present, but it has been known to exist for many years.

In the ancient texts Charaka and Sushrutha Samahitha, the description of the diseases Granthi and Arbudha resemble Cancer. “Adhyarbuda” (or ‘Dwirarbuda’), mentioned in the Ayurvedic textbooks, suggests the recurrence and metastasis of tumours to distant regions of the body. Etiopathogenesis of Arbuda is primarily based on the Doshic Theory, i.e.; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (the Tridoshas). Owing to MithyaAhara and Vihara, the Tridoshas are vitiated, involving different Dhatus (Mamsa, Meda, Rakta, etc.), thereby resulting in the development of Arbuda. Despite the vitiated “Tridoshas” being responsible for the development of Arbuda, most Ayurvedic textbooks have given maximum importance to Kapha.

Ayurveda holds that Cancer results from lifestyle errors such as unhealthy food, poor hygiene, or poor behaviour, or from physical trauma, leading to the imbalance in the Tridoshas, resulting in Cancer.

Ayurveda for Cancer is concerned not just with treating the disease from its root, but also with protecting healthy cells, and regulating the deviated body mechanism. It helps in improving the overall quality of life of the patient. Cancer affects not just the body but also the mind. The therapeutic approach that characterises Ayurveda for Cancer can help in balancing both (the mind and the body). It helps to alleviate the side-effects of chemotherapy (or radiation) and assists the body in the recovery process.

Ayurveda has a very vital role to play in Cancer treatment. Ayurveda for Cancer should reach out to as many Cancer patients as possible, and help them to recover. It can become a ray of hope for the suffering cancer patients.

Perspective of Ayurveda in Cancer Treatment : Let's Know About Ayurveda for Cancer


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