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Dr. Mriganka Mishra, BAMS, MD, Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Guwahati.. APR 28. 2 years ago

Testicular Cancer - Spread the awareness, Save the live


Testicular cancer occurs in testicles, which are located inside the scrotum underneath the penis. Cancer cells are formed in the tissues of one or both testicles. It is the most common type of cancer diagnosed among young men. Inspite of improved treatment modalities, testicular cancer still remains the third leading cause of cancer deaths among young men, aged from 18 to 50 years.

Common Signs and Symptoms

·         Swelling or discomfort in scrotum

·         A painless lump or swelling in either testicle

·         Dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin

·         Sudden collection of fluid inside scrotum

·         Pain or discomfort in a testicle

·         Tenderness or changes in male breast tissue


Risk Factors

·         Undescended testicle

·         Abnormal development of the testicles

·         Family history of Testicular cancer


Prevention and Early Diagnosis

Testicular cancer can be easily diagnosed by self-examination of testicles and is almost curable if diagnosed and treated at an early stage. Periodic self-examination must be performed for early detection of testicular cancer which includes the following simple steps:

1.      Choose a time when the scrotum is relaxed, such as during or after the shower.

2.      Place an index and middle finger under the testicle with the thumb on top.

3.      Firmly and gently roll the testicle between the fingers.

4.      Examine the testicles for any change in colour, shape or swelling.

5.      Contact a doctor immediately if any bumps, lumps or other changes are observed.

Young adult men are unaware of their risk for testicular cancer. Men falling in the age group of 18- to 50-years old should perform testicular self examination every month. Early diagnosis is associated with a reduction in mortality, and in earlier stages of the disease, management becomes simpler and prognosis is likely to be good. Awareness and knowledge among men about signs and symptoms of this serious illness, as well as the steps to reduce its risk through proactive self-examination becomes helpful in saving lives.

Testicular Cancer - Spread the awareness, Save the live


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