Anybody watching me? No. Nobody watching me! Am I doing anything wrong? Naah... I am not doing anything wrong… after all, we all should try everything in life. Good or Bad doesn’t matter. Everything should be tried at least once. I am just trying it…just once… First and Last… I’ll not touch a second one… ever... whatsoever… Not a Second one!
These are the thoughts everybody brutally kills before lighting their first cigarette or their first sip of alcohol or anything they think they are “just trying”, people are not aware of the fact that this is a trap. They are integrating something in their life, they will badly struggle to quit or even think a life without it real soon.
With predictions coming from WHO (World Health Organization) that several cancer patients (new cases) will double itself real soon. The time is not far when we are moving towards a future where every next house will have a registered new case of cancer. With every such new first and last trying, unknowingly, we are adding one more individual to make this prediction true and taking our step in becoming a plus in the cancer burden of earth.
These habits are injurious to health & cause cancer, tried it for the first time hiding and thinking if anybody is watching him or her. Before becoming a potential risk factor of cancer or for a major Heart condition, it is a failure of the most potent measure of disease prevention. It is the failure of ones’ Lifestyle. It is the failure of the Primordial Prevention of disease. Primordial prevention is the prevention of developing any potential risk factor that will lead to a painful end. It is initiated with efforts taken from the parents and elders in teachings youngers to develop good habits and to stay away from every harmful bad habit. The innocent brains are taught with great affection and care to stay away from bad company, bad habits and anything that is going to harm them and obstruct the path to achieve their dreams.
With one single try for the first and last time, it is the failure of learning of entire childhood and the first step towards a shattered dream.
If we want to intervene and save the coming generation from the deadly clutches of cancer, we need to make this Primordial Prevention even stronger. Prevention is better than cure and trying just one is not just a failure of this prevention… it is a path of darkness, pain and regrets.
And to battle against this 21st-century hollow lifestyle trends, the age-old Ayurvedic Treatment for lung cancer has evolved with various herbs beneficial for all the issues related to the lungs. Sanjeevani Vati, Swans Vati, Mulethi and such essential herbs are added in this treatment to boost the immunity of the body. Along with that, it also lowers the cholesterol level and increases the metabolism of the body.
With the adverse effect of cancer on the human body, our mind also gets severely affected. It is called as "Tamasic" in Ayurveda. So Ayurvedic Treatment for lung cancer also considers psychotherapy as a meaningful part of the treatment. Daily exercise and yoga are the top choices of Ayurveda in this regard as heavy lifting might worsen lung cancer cases.
At D.S. Research Centre we provide exclusive Ayurvedic Treatment to heal and prevent the root causes of lung cancer.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016