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Medically reviewed by Dr. Darshana Deka, BAMS, MD (Kaya Chikitsha). NOV 16. 1 year ago

LUNG CANCER AWARENESS - Breathe into a fresh and healthy cancer free life

The cases of lung cancer are increasing day by day. It is the second most common category of cancer worldwide. Awareness makes a positive sense in the prevention of lung cancer. So here it is in brief so that we can together defeat this cancer.

When the cells forming our lungs start to transform in such a way so that it can invade the adjacent tissues and there is possibility of spread to different parts of our body, there starts the lung malignancy or the lung cancer.

Need of Awareness in preventing lung cancer

Like most of the cancers lung cancer also does not have any definite causative factor. But it is most important to know the triggering factors/aggravating factors/risk factors of lung cancer.

-   Chronic habit of smoking

-    Family history of Lung Cancer or previous cancer history        

-    Previously received destructive therapy in the form of radiation to chest or upper parts of body

-   Exposure to radon gas, asbestos, chromium, arsenic and other lung cancer triggering carcinogens

-  Irregular diet and lifestyle, being overweight are the predisposing factors for any form of cancer.

-  Any chronic respiratory illness or infection which is not treated well.

Some of the most alarming symptoms of lung cancer are –

-          Nagging cough or a cough that is not going away

-           Breathlessness on exertion or active breathing difficulty

-          Chest pain

-          Haemoptysis

-          Breath sounds or wheezing

-          Hoarseness of voice

-          Unexplained weight loss or extreme tiredness

-          Neck nodes or bony pain

Lung Cancer Awareness is to prevent Lung Cancer and to maintain health after recovery from disease

-          Avoid the risk factors

-          If you have any respiratory illness like bronchial asthma, COPD and prior pneumonia then take proper preventive measures e.g. To take required vaccination, to treat lung TB properly and to adopt proper respiratory hygiene so that further organic damage to your lungs can be arrested.

-          To use proper protective measures to get rid of lung damage by carcinogens at workplaces.

-          To avoid unnecessary repeated imaging tests such as CT scan, MRI etc.


Lung Cancer Screening

Low dose chest CT Scan based screening is done for high risk individuals. An observation to symptoms and timely checkups by pulmonologists help timely diagnosis and treatment.

Ancient Ayurveda Based Treatment for Lung Cancer

“Swasthyasa swastha rakshanam aaturasya vikara prashamanam”

The basic principle of Ayurveda is to keep the healthy inviduals healthy and to make diseased person disease free.

The fundamentals of Ayurveda are to work on the root cause of the disease, not only on symptoms.

Extreme deviation from normal metabolism leads to cancer and Ancient Ayurveda based treatment converts the metabolism from deviated state towards normalcy.

Ayurveda makes immune system stronger, improves recovery of cancer patients through self healing mechanism, confines ongoing treatment hazards, and enhances quality of life.

Ayurvedic Nutrient Energy Treatment helps to arrive at individual specific nutrition. With proper nutrition, enhancement of vitality, arrest of further spread and expansion of life span are very much possible. Drying up the source of disease, Ancient Ayurveda based treatment helps to compensate the strength and energy break down in body.


‘Stay Aware, stay safe’

LUNG CANCER AWARENESS - Breathe into a fresh and healthy cancer free life


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