Generally, most of the people get scared even with the name of deadly disease like cancer. But, many of them are unaware about what is cancer? It has become necessity to know about cancer.
Many people also think that cancer cannot be treated, but that is not true. According to studies, Ayurveda has an answer for cancer. Nowadays, there are many people who prefer ayurvedic treatment for cancer.
Ayurveda considered as alternate cancer treatment as many people believes, if they adopt Ayurveda for cancer it means the disease would be treated from the root cause. Apart from that it would be an affordable cancer treatment.
Research says there are multiple ayurvedic cancer hospitals; some of them are marked as best ayurvedic cancer hospital in India where cancer patients started cancer treatment without chemotherapy.
Remember, Cancer is no longer a fatal fear. It is always better to know better to help the needy.
We need to understand that cancer is a disease which caused due to abnormal/ uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. The reason of this abnormal/uncontrolled growth of cells is not depend upon any microbial infection. It is rooted in the mutation of gene which changes the normal prototype of chromosomes.
There are few factors which causes this mutation of genes —
1) Lifestyle Related Factors.
2) Biological or internal Factors, such as age, gender, inherited genetic defects etc.
3) Occupational Risk Factors.
Importantly, we should be more concern about the lifestyle which may cause of cancer.
1) Tobacco — In India, people are addicted with various form of tobacco like; smoking, chewing, eating pan masala, gutkha etc. Smoking is injurious to health and one of the major cause of cancer. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens. These chemicals can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally. Pan masala, gutkha etc are chewed and kept in mouth for long time are the main cause for oral cancer in India.
2) Alcohol — Excessive and long time alcohol intake is the primary cause of Cirrhosis of Liver, which will ultimately trigger Liver Cancer. Maximum people take fried foods with alcohol. Regular use of these fried foods along with alcohol can be a cause of cancer.
3) Food Habit — Excessive and regular intake of fast, fried and spicy junk food can also causes cancer. Lack of vegetables, fruits intake is also harmful as all fruits and vegetables contains antioxidants, along with essential minerals and vitamins for a healthy cell growth. Maximum packed and ready food contains preservatives and artificial color, which are very complex chemicals. Regular intake of these type of food can lead to abnormal cell growth.
4) Obesity — Obesity has been associated with increased mortality from cancers of colon, esophagus, breast, kidney. Increased modernization, lack of physical exercise and fatty diet have been associated with increased prevalence of overweight people in many developing countries.
5) Environmental Pollution — It has been linked to various cancers. It includes outdoor air pollution by vehicular exhaust, industrial and factory wastes, and indoor air pollution by pesticides, smoke of cigarette. Long term exposure to chlorinated drinking water has been associated with increased cause of cancer.
6) Radiation — 5% to 10% of total cancer may caused by radiation, both ionizing and nonionizing. Excessive use of mobile towers are main source of nonionizing radiation and continuous exposure to these radiation can trigger abnormal cell growth.
In Ayurveda, in Charak Samhita, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 6 (Tasyashiteeya Adhyaya), there is detailed description about seasonal regimen of diet and lifestyle for preservation of health. If we can maintain a healthy lifestyle, there will be a definite decrease of mortality rate due to cancer.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016