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Dr. Darshana Deka, BAMS, MD (Kaya Chikitsa), Ayurvedacharya, Guwahati.. MAR 25. 2 years ago

How does CA Kidney start ?

As we know that cancer is a group of abnormal cells which grow in uncontrolled, un-co-ordinated and unsynchronized manner and the excessive growth results in malignant tumours in a short duration of time. Like many more cancers, CA Kidney is often seen nowadays. Food and lifestyle changes, environmental factors are mostly the culprits for rising number of such cancers. CA Kidney is one of the 10 most prevalent cancer in both the sex in the present era.

To know How does CA Kidney start we need to be familiar with some basic things about CA Kidney.

What is CA Kidney?

The main function of kidney is to purify or filter our blood. Our kidney is made up of nephrons which are the filtering units. The nephrons of kidney is again composed of some structures called the glomerulus and and some tiny tubes called the tubules. CA Kidney mostly start in the lining of these tubules.

Types of Cancer in kidney

  • Renal cell carcinoma(RCC) is the most frequently seen cancer in kidney.
  • These are broadly divided into two subtypes- Clear cell renal cell carcinoma and Non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
  • Other varieties of CA Kidney are-
  • Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) also known as urothelial carcinoma
  • Wilms tumour (nephroblastoma) which is mostly seen in children and
  • Renal sarcoma

What are the Risk factors of CA Kidney?

Risk factors are the causes to which we are exposed for a long duration of time and may facilitate in the formation of cancer in the long run. For CA Kidney, risk factors maybe categorised as-

  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Using pain killers for a long time
  • Family history of CA Kidney
  • Environmental factors such as too much exposure to chemicals like asbestos, cadmium, some herbicides, benzene, etc.
  • Having uncontrolled high blood pressure and high dose medication for it using for a long time.
  • People who are on long term dialysis treatment are more prone to develop CA Kidney.

Symptoms of CA Kidney

Most of the cancers in kidney are symptomless in the earlier period. When the stage becomes advanced and the tumour grows to a certain extent, they may show certain symptoms like-

  • Blood mixed urine
  • Pain on the affected site
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • A swelling or lump on the affected part
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anaemia
  • Swelling of ankles or other parts
  • Fever on and off

Stages of CA Kidney

Stage I- When tumour is 7cm or smaller and it is within kidney

Stage II- When the tumour is larger than 7cm and it is within the kidney

Stage III-When the tumour is within the kidney and involves at least one lymph node nearby.

Stage IV- When the cancer has spread beyond the kidney or spread to other distant organs.

Early diagnosis for CA Kidney

As early diagnosis is the key to success for most of the CA Kidney treatments. We need to be careful and regular screening procedure is a must for the high risk individuals.

  • Tests required for screening of CA Kidney are-
  • Urine test- for diagnosis of blood in urine
  • Blood test- to monitor kidney function
  • Ultrasound- to find any abnormal growth
  • CT Scan or MRI- if any suspicious growth needs further evaluation
  • Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) and Renal Arteriogram if needs more detailing.

Prevention is better than cure

CA Kidney is well manageable if diagnosed early and it is well preventable to a great extent with certain modifications of our daily life habits.

Prevention tips

  • To avoid smoking as much as possible and to avoid tobacco in any form
  • To maintain a healthy weight
  • To avoid strong pain killing measures and adopt alternative medicine
  • To prevent exposure to harmful chemicals
  • To maintain blood pressure in a normal range
  • To adopt healthy food habits and a healthy lifestyle with regular physical exercise.

Renal cell Carcinomas are well managed with the help of alternative medicine like Ayurveda.

The Nutrient energy treatment of DS Research centre is currently helping a lot of CA

Kidney patients by attaining good stability over the disease and improving quality of life. The associated fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite etc. are also managed simultaneously and the responses are pretty encouraging.

“Health is a crown that the healthy wear, but only the sick can see it”

- Imam Shafiee

How does CA Kidney start ?


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