Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya, B.A.M.S., Ayurvedacharya & Pharma Director, D.S. Research Centre, Kolkata. OCT 18. 3 years ago
Recently, I came
across a superb quote -
Strength grows when we dare, Unity grows when we pair, Love grows when we share, and Relationships grow when we care.
We can never have a perfect life. We can,
however, definitely have a happy life. We can choose to put conscious efforts
into making our lives happier that what it currently is. And that is HOPE. Let
us not get too carried away by the battles we win, and let us not be plunged
into despair by the battles we lose. Let us focus on winning the war. But what
happens in the case of a disease? When the battlefield is your own body! Then,
healing is the hope, and hope augments your healing. According to Ayurveda,
proper “healing” is meant by “Arogya”. It can be achieved through the
care and betterment of the mind, body, and soul. This holistic approach towards
healing is Ayurveda’s gift to the legacy of medical practise, and the world.
Whole health is an approach to healthcare that empowers and enables us to take charge of our health and well being, and live life to the fullest. It starts with every one of us. It is fueled by the power of knowing our self, and actively deciding what will work towards betterment in our life. Hope is about leaving space for something good to happen. Optimism is all about sheltering hope, about believing that things can, and will, work out. Hope and optimism are linked to our belief that things will turn out okay with the advent of change in our lives.
In research studies, it has been proven that optimism and hope are linked to better physical and mental health outcomes. They can also promote a sense of well-being during difficult times. A study concerning the relationship between anxiety, the brain, and optimism has pointed out that being optimistic might affect a part of the brain that helps to control anxiety. Another study regarding optimism in patients with type 2 diabetes showed that being optimistic may help you handle stress better. This can help reduce the risk of chronic health problems. The field of Positive Psychology makes use of hope and optimism in helping people focus on what they do well, and on what is good about their lives. A study found that people adhering to Positive Psychology had better physical and mental health, including decreasing feelings of depression. The longer people worked with Positive Psychology, the better they coped with depression.
It is however a fact that when a question of life or death arises in case of any critical or deadly diseases like cancer, being positive is extremely difficult. From my experience in dealing with such scenarios over the last few years, I have realized that the following method of thinking is necessary for the patients -
I. Accept the truths and facts of the health
II. Be with your family members, or with help and
aid organizations.
III. Try to opt for holistic treatments like
Ayurveda to nourish your normal physiology.
IV. Try to divert your mind, and keep yourself
positively occupied.
for proper care of pain management.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016