In the year 1999, a young 16 year old boy fell ill on the football ground, vomiting. The only son of a mother who had invested her life shaping the future of the young boy, Prashant Lakra, felt giddy again a few months later and lost sight of the approaching ball. Then came the day, when the disease announced its arrival, loud and clear.
Prashant was admitted to a New Delhi Hospital, half-conscious of his illness and his fate. Scans revealed the tumor. His operation happened the very next day. The tumour was found to be afflicted with Astro-cytoma, Grade-one.
After the diagnosis at the hospital, Prashant and his mother went to Mumbai's most renowned Cancer Institute and was advised Radiation Therapy. Prashant was given radiation from 26th February to 7th April, 1999. His condition did not really improve. His mother, though, wasn't giving up on him.
"The cancer is gone, you're in remission." - I will never forget hearing these words.
On 18th June, 1999, Prashant started the Ancient Ayurveda based Nutrient Energy Treatment under the guidance of the Doctors and Ayurvedacharyas of D. S. Research Centre. Just weeks later, Prashant could wake up to answer with a smile saying, 'Maa, aaj bahut accha feel kar raha hun.'
Under the advice of DSRC's doctors, Prashant conducted an MRI on 1st August, 2001. The result came in 'Normal'. I have a little less than 3 years to go with my check ups. Fingers crossed, all will go well with those too.
It's good to be alive!
"I never thought I would forget the feeling of despair of complete and utter helplessness-but after 20 years of leading a normal life.. I feel those two years slowly fading out from my conscious memory"- Prashant said recently at a seminar spreading Hope against Cancer.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016