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Medically Reviewed by Dr. Divya S., BAMS, MD (Panchakarma) D. S. Research Center, Bengaluru. SEP 28. 1 year ago

Do not Loose Your Voice - Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Thyroid gland is an important gland that comprises of two lobes and lies on either side of the throat.  It produces  hormones that control metabolism , body temperature, heart rate and calcium in blood, enables  growth and development of body.

Uncontrolled and excessive cell division leading to tumor formation in Thyroid gland is called Thyroid cancer. It is the most prevalent endocrine cancer worldwide.

Types of thyroid cancer includes-

1.       Papillary thyroid cancer– 

  • It is most commonly seen
  • It grows slowly
  • It often spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck
  • It is easily treatable
  • It has good prognosis

2.       Follicular thyroid cancer –

·         2nd most commonly seen
·         It grows faster than papillary thyroid cancer
·         It often spreads to distant organs particularly lungs and bone
·         It is treatable
·         It has good prognosis

3.       Medullary thyroid cancer-

·         Rarely seen
·         Most often it runs in families and is due to genetic mutation
·         It spreads to liver, lungs and lymph nodes
·         It does not take up radio iodine
·         Thus has bad prognosis

4.       Anaplastic thyroid cancer –

·         Very rarely seen
·         It is  most advanced and aggressive
·         Generally does not respond to treatment
·         Thus has bad prognosis


There are two main risk factors which causes thyroid cancer-
1.       Family history of thyroid cancer
2.       Significant exposure to high dose of radiation.

Symptoms of thyroid cancer are -
1.       Most of the time it does not show up with any symptoms
2.       Rarely it causes lump or mass in neck
3.       Pain in neck, jaw or ear
4.       Difficulty in swallowing
5.       Difficulty in breathing
6.        Persistent cough
7.        Hoarseness of voice

Thyroid cancer can be identified by -
1.       Self examination by palpating  the  front  and sides of the neck  looking  for any lumps or abnormal enlargement of thyroid gland.
2.       Ultrasound scan of neck
3.       CT scan of neck
4.       MRI scan of neck
5.       FNAC, Biopsy
6.       Thyroid function  tests are typically normal even on having thyroid cancer

  Prevention of thyroid cancer is possible by following these health tips -
1.       Minimize exposure to radiation
2.       Know your family history
3.       Do self examination
4.       Undergo screening regularly if you have family history
5.       Live a healthy lifestyle

In order to emphasis on the thyroid health worldwide September month is observed as thyroid cancer awareness month. Thyroid cancers are highly treatable  if diagnosed early and leads to better prognosis.

D. S. Research Centre with its immense experience in treating cancer for over 60 years has been serving and supporting cancer patients in all the stages of cancer with a dedicated team and expert guidance. With the help of Ancient Ayurveda based nutrient energy treatment many cancer patients have fought cancer with courage and confidence, regained their hope of life and have led good quality of life. So let us spread the knowledge to help more people  gain strength to fight cancer.

Do not Loose Your Voice - Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month


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