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Dr. Darshana Deka, BAMS, MD Ayurvedacharya. AUG 08. 2 years ago

Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention- Learn about the risk factors for lung cancer and what you might be able to do to help lower your risk.

Lung cancer is the second most common variety of cancer in the world. It is a very dangerous form of malignancy as it is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths all over the world.

What is Lung Cancer

When the cells constituting the lungs divide in an abnormal, uncontrolled and unsynchronized manner, they form an unwanted growth or a mass called tumour which has the potential to attack the surrounding tissues and may spread to other parts of the body and such abnormal growth results in Lung Cancer or Lung Malignancy.

Causes/ Risk Factors for lung cancer

Like many other cancers, there is no definite cause for lung cancer. But there are certain Risk factors for lung cancer-

  1. Cigarettes Smoking
  2.  Family history of lung cancer or previous history of cancer
  3.  Exposure to second-hand smoke
  4.  Radiation therapy for earlier cancer in the area of the chest and other parts of body
  5.  Exposure to radon gas
  6.  Exposure to asbestos, chromium, arsenic, and other carcinogens
  7.  An unhealthy diet, lifestyle, and being overweight are the predisposing factors for any form of cancer.
  8.  Any serious respiratory illness which is not treated properly on time. 

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Signs and symptoms do not appear initially in the case of lung cancer. It depends on the advancement of the disease.

  1.  Nagging cough or a new cough that is not going away
  2.  Difficulty in breathing
  3.  Chest pain
  4.  Blood coming out with sputum
  5.  Wheezing
  6.  Hoarseness
  7.  Unintentional weight loss
  8.  Tiredness on exertion
  9.  Backache or bone pain
  10. Swelling of neck nodes

Prevention of Lung Cancer

  1. To stop smoking
  2.  If not possible to quit smoking try to minimise it gradually
  3.  To reduce the exposure towards chemicals like arsenic, asbestos, chromium etc which may be in work places or in severely polluted atmosphere.
  4.  To avoid exposure to coal products.
  5.  Avoid exposure to radioactive gases and radio magnetic waves as much as possible
  6.  Avoid unhealthy diet and lifestyle
  7.  Maintain a healthy weight
  8.  If you have any respiratory sickness like bronchial asthma, COPD and prior pneumonia then to take proper preventive measures e.g. To take required vaccination and to adopt proper respiratory hygiene in order to avoid further organic damage to your lungs.
  9.  To get diagnosed for pulmonary tuberculosis and to receive timely Anti-TB treatment
  10.  To use proper protective measures to get rid of or to minimise lung damage by carcinogens at workplaces.
  11.  To avoid repeated imaging tests such as CT scan, MRI etc.

Stages of Lung Cancer

The most basic form of lung cancer staging is

Localized- When the cancer is within the lungs

Regional- When cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes but within the chest

Distant- When cancer has spread beyond the lungs to other parts or organs of the body.

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

  1. Medical history and physical examination
  2.  Abnormal findings on chest X rays
  3.  Further evaluation by MRI and CT scan
  4.  Confirmation of cancer by bronchoscopic biopsy
  5.  Diagnostic surgical resection of lung mass.
  6.  PET CT scan in advanced cases

Lung Cancer Screening 

Low dose chest CT Scan based screening is done for high-risk individuals who are healthy as of now but have a strong family history of cancer or are exposed to other risk factors.

Treatment of lung cancer

  1. Surgery
  2. Radiation therapy
  3. Chemotherapy
  4.  Targeted therapy
  5.  Immunotherapy
  6. Alternative Ayurvedic treatment

What we can do to improve lung cancer outcomes or what might help us to lower the risk of lung cancer

-Diagnosis in the earliest possible stage

-Timely intervention with proper treatment

-To complete the prescribed treatment without any intentional gap.

-To avoid probable causative factors/risk factors like primarily to avoid smoking

-Choose healthy diet and lifestyle

-Follow Ayurveda to retain health irrespective of diagnosis, treatment and recovery after disease.

How Ayurveda can help us to prevent lung cancer and lowering the risk of getting lung cancer

-Healthy Diet and Lifestyle pattern as per Ayurveda

      -Asta vidh Ahara vidhi vishes Ayatana (8 basic dietary guidelines) ie. Knowledge of Prakriti(nature of food), Karana(food processing), Samyoga (combination of food), Rashi(proper quantity), Desha(place place of intake), kala(proper time), Upayoga- Samstha(procedure for intake of food) and Upayokta(consumer) and knowledge of pathya-apathya(wholesome and unwholesome diet), viruddha ahara(incompatible diet)help in proper digestion and maintainance of Agni. Improper dietary behaviour increases the risk of getting cancer at an early age.

  - The Padamsika kalpana mentioned in Ayurvedic literature help in gradual withdrawal of any addiction whatever it may be the case of smoking or tobacco in any form.

Here the word pada refers to the withdrawal in quarter. It should be considered very beneficial in quitting smoking which stands as the principal cause for lung cancer.

  -To follow measures of Swasthavritta(regimen to maintain good health) like Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ratricharya (night regimen),Vyayama(physical exercises), Mental regimen like Sadvritta and Achar rasayana(ethical and moral activities for good mental health)

  -Nidra(Sleep)- Proper sleep at right time is essential for wellbeing and good quality of life. Nidra Viparyaya(improper sleep), Prajagaran(late night sleep), Divaswapna(daysleep) are some improper sleeping patterns that cover almost 50% of all diseases and relapse of several chronic diseases.

-Practice of yoga and meditation

-Pranayama and breathing exercises are the best for good lung health and in the recovery period for Ca lung patients.

How Ayurvedic Nutrient Energy Treatment might be able to help to lower your risk of cancer

- Ayurvedic Nutrient Energy Treatment helps to arrive at individual specific Nutrition.With proper nutrition cancer is very much controllable in the form of enhancement of vitality, arrest of further spread, get rid of complications and expansion of life span. For lung cancer patients, where energy depletion is the main issue, Nutrient energy treatment helps to compensate for the strength and energy breakdown in the body.

- With proper nutrition, Ayurveda prevents further health detoriation and progressive weight loss

- It makes the immune system stronger

- Improves recovery of cancer patients through self healing mechanism

- Confines ongoing treatment hazards

- Enhances quality of life

  “Prevention is better than cure, Quit Smoking and prevention of lung cancer will be easier”

Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention- Learn about the risk factors for lung cancer and what you might be able to do to help lower your risk.


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