Dr. Samrat Mukherjee, B.Sc (Hons.), BAMS (C.U.), Certificate in Panchakarma Therapy, Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Kolkata.. JUN 16. 2 years ago
Kidney Cancer is also called Renal cancer. It’s a disease in which kidney cells become malignant and grow out of control, forming a tumor. Maximum kidney cancers first appear in the lining of tubules in the kidney. This type is known as Renal Cell carcinoma.
There are several types of Kidney Cancer:
1) Renal Cell Carcinoma is the most common type of adult kidney cancer, making up about 80% of cases. This type of cancer develops in the proximal renal tubules, which makes the filtration system of the kidney.
2) Urothelial Carcinoma- Also known as Transitional Cell Carcinoma, making up about 10% of cases. It starts in the area of the kidney where urine collects before moving to the bladder, known as the renal pelvis.
3) Wilms Tumor- It's common in children and treated differently from kidney cancer in adults. Its seen in 1% of total cases. Conventional radiation and chemotherapy.
4) Sarcoma- This is extremely rare. It develops in the soft tissue of the kidney, the thin layer of connective tissue surrounding the kidney. It's usually treated with surgery.
5) Lymphoma- This can enlarge both kidneys and is associated with enlarged lymph nodes. After confirmation through biopsy, treatment includes chemotherapy instead of surgery.
The causes of Kidney cancer are not clearly known. It develops when some kidney cells have mutations in their DNA. However, there are some factors that can increase the risk of kidney cancer.
Other than these people who receive long-term dialysis and people who have a family history of cancer have a greater risk of developing kidney cancer.
Tests and procedures used to diagnose kidney cancer include-
Treatment of kidney cancer includes-
Surgery- It is the initial treatment of maximum cases, it includes nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy.
Certain herbs mentioned in the ancient texts like Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, and Astanga Hridaya have useful roles to prevent abnormal growth in kidneys. Herbs like Gokshura( Tribulus Terrestris), Pasanbheda(Bargenia ciliate), Sunthi( Zingibar officinale), Varuna( Creteva nurvala), Kulattha( Macrotyloma uniflorum), Rakta Chandan( Pterocarpus santalinus), Guggulu ( Commiphora mukul) have very useful role for proper functioning of kidney, to control any abnormal growth in the kidney. Apart from these single herbs, there are several medicinal preparations which can be used in kidney cancer after consulting physician.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016