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Dr. Mriganka Mishra, BAMS, MD, Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Guwahati. JUL 06. 3 years ago


Cancer recurrence refers to the reappearance of Cancer in a patient’s body at any point after the patient has successfully recovered from a primary Cancer. Recurrence can occur after weeks, months, or even years post the initial recovery. The chances of recurrence depend on the type of the primary Cancer. It is hard to predict the likeliness of a recurrence, but the chances of the Cancer reappearing at a later point of time are more when the primary Cancer is –

  • Fast growing – It can happen that the surgery done to remove the Cancer didn’t clear all the mutated cells. Even very small cells that were left behind can develop into tumours over time.
  • More advanced or widespread – Some forms of Cancer are resistant to treatments, even the aggressive therapies of modern medicine. The issue is further complicated when the Cancer has metastasized, spreading to numerous parts of the body. The probability of Cancer recurrence post recovery is higher in such a scenario.

Recurrent Cancers are classified with respect to their distance from the site of the primary Cancer. They can broadly be classified as –

  1. Local recurrence – The Cancer has reappeared at the same site as the primary Cancer, or very close to it. The Cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes, or other parts of the body.
  2. Regional recurrence – The Cancer has reappeared in lymph nodes or tissues that are located in the proximity of the site of the primary treated Cancer.
  3. Distant recurrence – The Cancer has reappeared, but in another part of the body. The recurrent Cancer is situated at some distance from the site of the primary Cancer, i.e.; it has metastasized.


Post treatment of the primary Cancer, the patient should regularly follow up on their condition through periodic medical check-ups like imaging scans, lab tests, biopsies, etc. They should also stay in touch with their doctors about any developments in their health, both good and bad. In such a scenario, the patient can be monitored for recurrence of Cancer. Any such recurrence could then be diagnosed at an early stage and treated accordingly.


In a large number of cases, local and regional Cancer recurrence can be cured. Even when a strict cure is out of the question, treatments can help shrink the size of the tumour, slow its growth, relieve pain, and increase life expectancy of the patients. All this can be achieved by following the principles mentioned herewith.

  1. Attempts at relieving the symptoms and adverse effects of Cancer (conventional treatments for Cancer) are an important aspect of holistic care. Such symptoms and adverse effects can be managed through the use of common and proven Ayurvedic drugs for Cancer care. These include Vata Pitta Shamaka, Kapha Ojas Vardhaka, and Rasa Rakta Prasadaka herbs. Furthermore, most of the Rasayana drugs, especially those that are Balya, Brimhana, Shramahara, and Jeevaniya, may be useful in the management of these conditions.
  2. The nutritional status of the patients also has an important impact on the efficacy of the Cancer recurrence treatment. Malnourished patients are at a higher risk as it may exacerbate the side-effects of conventional therapies opted for the treatment of Cancer recurrence. The Cancer anorexia – cachexia syndrome, one of the most common causes of death in such patients, can also be managed through the use of Ayurvedic medications. These medications help in improving the nutritional status of the patients by providing nutrition to the cells which face diminished nutrition availability in the event of Cancer recurrence due to repeated metabolic dysfunction.
  3. A holistic treatment approach for Cancer can help the patients deal with the shock, disbelief, anxiety, fear, grief, and powerlessness that accompany a disease such as Cancer. They need to be advised about their self-doubts, and about possible treatment options. In the case of Cancer recurrence, such a holistic approach as provided by Ayurveda can help patients combat the side-effects of the recurrence, and also facilitate the recovery process and promote an enhanced and prolonged life expectancy in the patients. The treatment should also furnish the patients with –
    • Knowledge about Cancer. This can help reduce the anxiety and fear that Cancer usually commands.
    • Knowledge about, and scope for, stress-reduction practices such as Yoga, Pranayama, and meditation.
    • Scope for spending time with family and friends. This can boost the mental and emotional strength of the patient.
    • The possibility of counselling to cope with difficult thoughts and feelings.


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