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Dr. Jayanthi Sai Ratna Sirisha, BAMS, M.S (Shalakya) Ayurvedacharya, DSRC, Hyderabad.. APR 14. 2 years ago

Understanding Head & Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer is the term used to describe a number of different malignant tumours that develop in and around the throat, larynx, nose sinuses and oral cavity.

HNCs represent sixth most common malignancy worldwide. The major risk factors are nicotine abuse, excessive alcohol consumption and HPV. In addition, older age is the predisposing factor gaining importance with comorbidities like HTN, DM, Hyperlipidaemia and COPD. HPV has been on the rise since recent years especially among people in 40s and 50s.

These squamous cell carcinomas can spread to other parts of the body including lymph nodes and lungs. There are different types of head and neck cancers based on the location where it has developed

vLaryngeal cancer – type of throat cancer affecting the larynx(voice box)

vNasopharyngeal cancer- which develops in the upper part of the throat behind the nose

vHypo pharyngeal cancer which develops in the lower part of the throat

vNasal cavity and paranasal sinuses cancer which forms behind the nose

vSalivary gland cancer which is found in the saliva producing gland near jawbone.

vOral cancers  and oropharyngeal cancers which develops in the part of throat behind the mouth

vTonsil cancer

Very advanced HNCS include locally advanced, newly diagnosed metastatic lesions which are difficult for treatment and has poor prognosis.

Follow Up

After complete treatment, follow up visits are generally done every 2-3 months every year for 3to 5yeras followed by once in 5 years once visit to check for any new lesions or second primary lesions had occurred.

Rehabilitation and Supportive Care

Quality of life is important in HNCS because the tumours and treatment related side effects may impair basic physiologic functions of body i.e., ability to eat, swallow and breathe, loss of taste, lack of saliva production. Hence it is important to follow dietitian advice and maintain good nutritional status.

Lack of awareness of disease, poor accessibility of healthcare facilities, limited diagnostics and therapeutic facilities, poor access to adjuvant therapy, high cost of care, high morbidity, mortality, poor follow up are the greatest challenges in the HNC patients and survivors.

As we all know, Prevention is better than cure and this can be achieved in a better way by following the principles of Ayurveda i.e., Dinacahrya (daily regimen), Gandoosha (Gargling) and Nasya karma (nasal instillation of medicated oil) which improves general health, boosts immunity and prevent from dreadful diseases like cancers.

Understanding Head & Neck Cancer


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