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Dr. Rashmi Singh, B.A.M.S., M.D. (Ayurveda Vachaspati), Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Guwahati.. MAY 21. 3 years ago

Things to know about types of Skin Cancer, its detection & prevention

Skin cancer is the uncontrolled continuous growth of skin cells which further causes tumor formation of skin cells. The various types of skin cancer are named after the cells they originate from and their clinical behavior.

The most common types of skin cancer are –

1. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
3. Melanoma

BCC – They often look like a fresh coloured round growth pearl-like bump or pinkish patch of skin. It develops after years of frequent sun exposure or indoor tanning. Most common on the head, neck, arms, however, they can form anywhere on the body including the chest, abdomen, and legs.

SCC – It looks like a red firm bump, scaly patch, or a sore that heals and then re-opens and can grow deep into the skin causing damage and disfigurement.

Melanoma is the most dangerous skin cancer and can develop within a mole that already has on your skin or appear suddenly as a dark spot on the skin that looks different from the rest.

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

Who is at risk of Skin Cancers -

1. Light or fair complexion. Dark individuals may develop melanoma.
2. The prolonged sun exposure – especially during childhood.
3. Family history of skin cancers.
4. More than normal number of moles (above 50 in number)
5. Undergoing therapies like immunosuppressive therapy, photosensitive therapies, etc.
6. Exposure to radiation
7. Weak immune system

Symptoms –

1. A mark that doesn't look like others on their body.
2. A sore that does not heal.
3. Changes in skin color or new swelling outside the border of a mole.
4. Itching, pain, tenderness in a mole.
5. Oozing, scaliness, or bleeding in a mole

To minimize morbidity and mortality rate early detection of any types of skin cancer is very important.

Early Detection –

1. Self-examination – examine your skin once a month to notice unusual growth on your skin. If you find anything abnormal changes immediately contact your dermatologist.

2. Visit your doctor – If you have a family history or if you are exposed to a higher risk of skin cancer then get a full body examination by a concerned doctor.

The most common types of test used in diagnosing skin cancer are -

1. Biopsy – During this procedure tissue sample is taken from the affected area and is examined in laboratories.

2. Imaging Test – Done to determine whether cancer cells have metastasized to internal organs and bones.

Prevention –

1. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun especially between 11 pm to 4 pm
2. Always sunglasses
3. Cover your body with proper clothes during sunlight.
4. You should be aware of any abnormal growth or changes on your skin.

In the modern age, skin cancer remains a great threat to society and ayurvedic wisdom can help in fighting skin cancer and important role in preventing this disease. A healthy diet and nutrient-rich diet plan as per Ayurveda guidance best way of prevention.

List of herbs can help in fighting skin cancer –

1. Kumari
2. Triphala
3. Kesar
4. Amalaki
5. Manjistha
6. Sariva

Our centre is providing treatment for various types of skin cancer along with other cancer types. If you have any quires related to skin cancer you can contact us for more information.

Things to know about types of Skin Cancer, its detection & prevention


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