is the Prostate cancer awareness month. The term awareness justifies the
alertness or knowledge which we should spread through various discussions and
programmes in the less discussed topics. Prostate cancer is one of the burning
issues in today’s medical field. Its rising day by day. It is essential to know
about its, early presentation and future management in the current era which is
not limited to males but also essential to the female counterparts to remain
alert or wakeful for their male intimates.
Many of the prostate cancers are less harmful and needs nominal treatment. But some of them are very aggressive, grows quickly and spreads rapidly and extensively.
Let’s know about its symptoms
As we all know
prostate is a small gland which forms an important part of the male
reproductive system, if cancer forms in it then symptoms depends on its area of
It may not cause
any harm in the initial phases, but once it grows uncontrollably, then it can cause-
-Discomfort in
urination which is similar like any case of BPH i.e. Benign prostate
-Alteration in
urine flow
-Blood in urine
or semen
-Bleeding after
-Weight loss or
other generalized symptoms may appear when the cancer advances
Causes or Risk factors
As Cancer is
always related to a factor of genetic predisposition, Ca Prostate also does not
have any definite cause to rule out.
Some risk factors are –
-Growing old
increases the chance of prostate cancer
-Strong family
history like breast cancer or ca prostate earlier in the family carries the
risk of prostate cancer in the future.
infective diseases of male genital part/ reproductive system which left
untreated carry the chance of future cancer
- Prolonged
radiation exposure for any disease in the pelvic part may increase the chance
of future risk to get it
overweight or lack of physical activity.
Complications of Prostate cancer
-Metastasis to
other organs
-Haematuria and
blood loss
Need of Screening
Screening plays
an important role in its early diagnosis and better treatment.
screening is essential for all the male members above 40. But you may need
earlier screening if you belong from the high risk group or you have prior
related disease or treatment history.
Screening measures for prostate cancer
evaluation of PSA
-Digital Rectal
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
-Careful history
taking during patient evaluation
techniques like USG or MRI Prostate
So far as
treatment is concerned, the cancer treatment always depends on its location,
site of extension and stage during diagnosis.
Prostate Cancer and D. S. Research Centre
Currently D.S. Research Centre is treating a number
of prostate cancer patients with long term benefits and patients are observed
recovering with stability over the disease process and improved quality of
Awareness required regarding success of Prostate
cancer treatment and as September is the awareness month for the same, we
should work on it.
Success in treatment mostly depend upon the
following criteria
-screening of high risk individuals
-symptom evaluation at the earliest
-early diagnosis
-timely management with proper therapeutic
As no two
cancer patients are the same, even though sharing the same cancer diagnosis,
adopting a customized and comprehensive
effort in the form Ancient Ayurveda based treatment from D. S. Research Centre
control for months or even for years is possible even in the most chronic and
recurrent form of cancer.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016