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Dr. Swetha Panchagiri BAMS, MD Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Hyderabad. JUN 07. 4 years ago

National Cancer Survivors Day 

D.S. Research Centre is encouraging everyone - cancer survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals, family members, and friends - to join the  celebration of life  On National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration of Life that is held on the first Sunday in June.

The goal is to come together to recognize that while it wasn’t an easy road, the survivor is now living his or her life to the fullest. They have overcome the illness or disease and can now truly celebrate the freedom that being cancer free brings.

Experts in advanced stage cancer treatment

from the last five  decades, experts of  D.S. Research Centre helped innumerable last stage cancer patients to fight successfully and   many among them had metastasis of liver, brain, lungs, prostate, pancreas, kidney, cervix, etc .who were gradually succumbing to dismay. A very notable fact is that one or the other cancer hospital of the country earlier rejected the large numbers of patients who have been treated as ‘lost’ cases. These cases are worth studying. They impart immense strength to the cancer patients to live with the determination to halt the fear and fight the disease.

#NCSD2020 #nationalcancersurvivorsday #june7 #cancer #cancerfighter #cancersurvivor #fightagainstcancer #ncsd #braveheart #salute #celebrate #celebration #togetherwecan #defeatcancer 

National Cancer Survivors Day 


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