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Ms Yasmeen Khanam, M.Sc. Clinical Dietitian. JAN 31. 2 years ago


Cervical cancer ranks as 4th most common cancer in the world and 2nd most common cancer in India, among women. Hundreds of women every year die due to cervical cancer.  Many feel lack of control when they hear of cervical cancer but there are still ways to help take hold of and fight against it.


There are many factors that can aid in fighting, and the food we eat is one of them.

Some foods have specific nutrients and antioxidant properties that can help prevent, and fight against cervical cancer and reduce the symptoms that go along with it.

That’s why here I list a few food items eating which according to studies can help prevent the risk of cervical cancer.

Sweet potatoes, carrots, egg, spinach, apples and oranges rank top on the list.

Sweet potatoes are the heaviest carriers of beta carotene, an antioxidant which helps protect cells from damage caused by the free radicles thus strongly fighting against many cancers, such as cervical cancer.  Sweet potatoes are much healthier than regular potatoes.  They can be baked and mashed. Carrots, oranges, squash, eggs, liver, and Tuna are other such a source of vitamin A working best as cervical cancer preventers. Carrots are also known to target Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a common cause of cervical cancer. Eating foods made to fight HPV can help prevent and fight against the disease.

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables offer good amounts of folic acid that aid in the production of new cells in the body. This allows the new cells to push away the unwanted toxic cells that could be feeding cancer and other diseases. Not only this will help fight against cervical cancer but spinach is also packed with many other vitamins so much so that it is suggested for almost any diet.

Apple a day keep the doctor away isn’t an entire exaggeration. Apples are high in vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant to fight the disease. Everyone knows that apples are good for health but doesn’t realise its nutritional benefits. Apples are powerful against many diseases, one of them being cervical cancer. So stick to adding it to the diet.

Eggs are a good source of biological proteins. Protein is an essential nutrient in fighting almost any cancer, not just cervical cancer. This is because protein is necessary for healing the body and repairing damaged tissues. This is why adding it to everyday diet can be a great way to achieve a healthier lifestyle and a stronger fight against cervical cancer.

Lifestyle and Activity:

Cervical cancer is more common among 15 to 44 years of females.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common cause. There are about a hundred subtypes of this virus and some of those subtypes lie in the genital area and both men and women carry this. So both men and women need to take the HPV vaccine so that they are not carriers of it.

The use of condoms during intercourse helps to lower the risk of contracting HPV and developing HPV-related diseases, including cancer of the cervix.

Smoking cigarettes and use of tobacco are highly associated with the risk of cervical cancer. As the by-products of tobacco damage the DNA of the cervix cells and may contribute to the development of cervical cancer.

 A little bit of personal care can also prevent the risk of cervical cancer.

 A healthy diet and adequate water are the best things to start.



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