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Dr. Darshana Deka BAMS, MD (Kaya Chikitsha). NOV 07. 2 years ago

Fight Cancer with Hope

Medically reviewed by Dr. Darshana Deka  BAMS, MD (Kaya Chikitsha)
Which treatment is best for you? There's no right or wrong answer. But being involved with your treatment plan may give you greater peace of mind and can let you focus your energy on what you need to do most — keeping yourself healthy throughout your treatment.

Hope is everlasting in Cancer patients
Hope is inevitable in each and every step of cancer battle. Starting from the diagnosis of cancer, chances of recovery, duration of disease free period, rate of local recurrence, chances of metastasis and cancer related mortality all come under cancer prognosis and hope is a mindset which needs to be maintained throughout the whole cancer journey.

Fight Cancer with hope with the help of DS Research Centre’s Ancient Ayurveda based Nutrient Energy Treatment
DS Research centre’s treatment works on the theory that extreme deviation from normal metabolism leads to growth of abnormal cancer cells. The correction of this deviation of metabolism and restoration of normalcy leads to recovery and promotes growth of normal cells. 
Hope is everlasting in cancer patients as DSRC literally proved bringing back many death bed cancer patients to normal life. 
Losing hope and exhaustion are like the untimely death and end of all scopes in the treatment of cancer patients.Hope should not be lost even in the last stage of cancer and it can add new life to the cancer sufferers.
Patience and Trust is needed to defeat cancer
Due the aggressive nature of cancer, there may be emergencies time to time. Because most of the times, treatment available for cancer is the treatment of symptoms and management of complications. But if the patient is under the treatment which treats the disease cancer from its core, he needs to be optimistic and keep patience till the treatments starts manifesting its effects.
Any treatment which targets the disease cancer itself (but not its symptoms) takes time. But to maintain the quality of life, the patients need to go for symptomatic as well as emergency management. That is the crucial time where the patient needs to maintain hope to its fullest. Because to get the best treatment outcomes and good survival, hope with right attitude to wards life is vital in cancer battle.

Fight Cancer with Hope


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