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Medically reviewed by Dr. Archana Kori, BAMS, PGDCC, Ayurvedacharya D. S. Research Centre, Mumbai. MAR 23. 2 years ago


The term ‘Colon Cancer’ combines colon cancer and rectal cancer. Colon cancer is also called as Colorectal cancer. The colon is the final part of the digestive tract which includes the large intestine and rectum.  The rising rates pose a problem in rising cancer morbidity in India due to colorectal cancer. The rising rates can be attributed to changing lifestyles that include consumption of calorie-rich and low fibre diet, smoking, high alcohol consumption, excessive use of red meat and processed foods, and physical inactivity excess body weight.

Colorectal cancer begins as small, noncancerous or benign growth of cells called polyps that form on the inside of the colon. Over time these polyps can become colorectal cancers.

Signs and symptoms of Colorectal Cancer include:

In the early stages of the disease many patients might not have any symptoms. When symptoms appear, they'll likely vary, depending on the cancer's size and location.

  • Change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation or change in the consistency of stool.
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in stool.
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, cramps, gas or pain.
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely.
  • Weakness or fatigue.
  • Unexplained weight loss.

The risk factors of Colorectal Cancer are:

  • Old age.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Personal or family history of colorectal cancer.
  • Genetic syndrome e.g; Lynch syndrome.

Lifestyle factors that may contribute to an increased risk-

  • Lack of regular physical activity.
  • Diet low in fibre, fruit and vegetables and high in fat or a diet high in processed meats.
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Smoking or tobacco addiction.

Screening: The following tests are used as screening measures for colon cancer.

·         Faecal occult blood test

·         Barium enema  X ray

·         Sigmoidoscopy

·         Colonoscopy


Prevention of Colorectal Cancer (prevention tips):

1. Eat healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 
2. Regular exercise. Take control of your weight. 
3. Don't smoke. 
4. Avoid alcohol.

Colon cancer can be fatal if not treated at an early stage.

Ayurveda offers remedies for colon cancer. Some of the remedies are as follows:

1.      Aloevera consumption is a useful technique. It cleans the digestive tract and colon region by removing harmful toxins and can thus help to treat cancer faster.

2.      Turmeric is also very potent in fighting cancer. It contains curcumins which can destroy the cancer cells formed in the colon region.

3.      Ashwagandha is known to have certain properties that can be used in treating colon cancer.

4.      Garlic juice has certain medicinal properties that can combat the growth of cancer cells in colon region.

It is highly recommended to seek advice from an Ayurveda practitioner if you wish to get treated with the above mentioned remedies. 

If there are symptoms, go to the doctor immediately and if you have a family history of colon cancer, usually at the age of 50 years, it is advisable to screen with a colonoscopy to determine whether it is cancer or not.



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