Medically reviewed by Dr. Shibangi Das, BAMS, MD, PFCP (MUHS), DEMS, Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Kolkata.. JAN 05. 2 years ago
It is a cancer which occurs in the cervix of a woman. Cervical cancer begins in the cervix.
WHAT IS CERVIX? ´ The cervix is the lower part of the womb, called the uterus. ´ It opens to the vagina. ´ The cervix is one part of your reproductive system. ´ It is the lower part of your womb, also called the uterus. ´ The cervix connects your uterus and vagina. ´ And your vagina leads to the outside of your body and the vulva, which is the skin area where you have pubic hair. ´ These are the other parts of your reproductive system. ´ They are all in your pelvis. TRANSFORMATION ZONE:- Transformation Zone is the part of Cervix where the endocervix (inner) and Ectocervix meet; there is both the type of cells i.e. Glandular Cells from Endo Cervix & Squamous cells from Ectocervix. Most abnormal cell changes and most cervical cancers begin in the squamous cells of the transformation zone. |
´ Unusual discharge from the vagina.
´ Blood spots or light bleeding when you are not having
your periods.
´ Bleeding after menopause.
´ Bleeding or pain during intercourse
´ Anemia because of abnormal vaginal bleeding.
´ Ongoing pelvic, leg, or back pain.
´ Urinary problems because of blockage of a kidney or
´ Bleeding from the rectum or bladder.
´ Weight loss.
´ Abnormal menstrual cycle
´ Belly bloat
´ Pelvic & Abdominal Pain
´ Back Pain
´ Constipation
´ Nausea & Vomiting
´ Loss of Appetite
´ Fatigue
´ Increased Gas
´ Urinary Incontinence
´ Dyspareunia
SCREENING & ASSESSMENT ´ PAP test: Routine screening for cervical abnormalities can detect early-stage cancer and precancerous conditions that could progress to invasive disease. The process begins with a Pap test, also known as a Pap smear ´ HPV DNA test ´ CT (computerized tomography) scan ´ MRI (magnetic resonance imaging scan) ´ Pelvic ultrasound ´ Biopsy
PREVENTION ´ HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine ´ If every female adheres to current HPV vaccination programs the total number of female deaths from cervical cancer globally will drop by hundreds of thousands each year. ´ Safe sexual relation, use of barrier protection ´ Cervical screening ´ Have few sexual partners ´ Delay first sexual intercourse ´ Do not smoke ´ Healthy Diet & Lifestyle maintenance
TREATMENT AT D.S.RESEARCH CENTRE:- ü Patient’s report analysis. ü Counseling of patient & patient family member by Doctors. Selection of choice of medicine ´ Evaluation of physical symptoms ´ Evaluation of extent of metastasis ü Advice related to Diet & Lifestyle.
SOME QUICK FACTS:- ´ 2nd most commonly diagnosed cancer effecting women ´ Every year nearly 5hundred thousand women get diagnosed with Cervical Cancer at different stages ´ Early detected always leads to better survival rates ´ Regular PAP test decreases chances of late detection of Cervical Cancer by 5 times. ´ Women who smoke are 2 times higher at risk than non-smokers. |
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016