Medically Reviewed by Dr. Shibangi Das, BAMS, MD, PFCP (MUHS), DEMS Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Kolkata. DEC 20. 1 year ago
Abuse of nature’s law upsets the human system and ends up in disease like Cancer. It is again the nature, the foremost physician who brings the cure. The Indian system of medicine has its foundation on the basic principles of Nature, its elements and relation to Human Physiology and Disease Pathology which was established after thorough study. This is the first system to emphasize health as the perfect state of physical, psychological, social and spiritual component of a human being. Ayurveda considers multiple herbs each possess tremendous potential to treat Cancer and its associated problems. These formulations are reported to work on multiple biochemical pathways and are capable of influencing several organ systems simultaneously.
The pathogenesis
of any diseases in Ayurveda is explained on the basis of Tridosha. These
Tridosha (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) is present in each and every cell, is
responsible for digestion and metabolism in human body. Pitta dosh always
manifests in form of Agni i.e. responsible for Metabolic processes in body. The
disturbance in Agni is inversely proportional to the related tissue formation and
therefore in an abnormal growth or production of cells, the disturbed or
unhinged state of dhatwagni (deranged metabolism) results in excessive tissue
with Pitta (Agni) Vata & Kapha Dosha work at different levels. Proactive
function of Vata can be correlated with the anabolic phase of growth whereas Kapha
to the catabolic phase. Abnormal growth originates due to a metabolic crisis,
i.e. disturbed harmony between these three Doshas, interacting with one another
resulting in proliferation.
Ayurveda has proposed six stages in the pathogenesis
of all diseases which applies to pathology of the tumor as well:-
1. Sanchaya: early stages of localized neoplastic changes.
2. Prakopa: transformation of primary growths into metastatic
3. Prasara: metastasis (spread of disease)
4. Sthana samsraya: distant metastasis and secondary growth.
5. Vyakti: clinical signs and symptoms are expressed.
6. Bheda: the stage where differentiation of growth
occurs on the basis of histopathology.
Cancer in
each person differs according to the person’s exposure to carcinogens and
genetic constitutions which makes each of them to react differently to the same
The benefit
of Ayurvedic medicine is that it can nourish the body as a whole by supporting
various organ systems. Many herbs have scientifically proven anti-cancerous properties
and are used for the treatment of various cancers.
The associated problems which develop with
Cancer Tumor like Cancer Cachexia, anorexia, nausea can also be explained and
addressed with Ayurvedic medicines.
Cancer cachexia:- The abnormal cancerous growth at a
specific organ (Ekadesavriddhi) is managed by compensation from other parts of
the body (Anyasthaniyakshaya), e.g. body weight loss (cachexia).
Clinical manifestations include anorexia, chronic nausea and change in body image. Among several potential benefits of Ayurvedic medicine, relief from cancer cachexia is especially valuable. Ayurvedic herbs used in cancer therapy results not only help in repairing metabolic System, but also reduces the side effects and cancer associated complications. The Ayurvedic medicines contain multiple active principles that operate synergistically, producing therapeutic benefits and lowering the risks on adverse effects. Few of the herbs like Withania somnifera, Sida cordifolia, Asparagusracemosa, Vitis vinifera, Plumbago zeylenica, Tinospora cordifolia, Zingiber officinale, Coptidis rhizoma, etc. herbs have been shown to improve appetite, food intake, malnutrition, fatigue. These herbs help in improving digestion and increasing the appetite.
Concept of
Indian System of Medicine is largely based on Restoration of body constituent’s
harmony, defense &healing power. Ayurvedic treatments aim at strengthening
human body system and relation to our ecosystem. Instead of using targeted
therapies for destruction of the tumors, Ayurvedic drugs/modes of treatment
attempt to correct metabolic defects and restore normal tissue functions (“Sama
Dhatu Parampara”). Ayurvedic medicine is holistic, for rejuvenating the body’s
support systems, forms a significant component of Cancer Therapy.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016