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Dr. Divya S., BAMS, MD(Panchkarma), Ayurvedacharya, D.S.Research Centre, Bengaluru. JAN 28. 3 years ago

Can cancer symptoms mistaken as menopause

Menopause is a very important milestone in a women’s life which is marked by the cessation of menstruation. This commonly happens between the age of 40 to 50 years. This is most often associated with lots of physical and emotional disturbances temporarily for a few years before the complete stoppage of a menstrual period.

Most of the cancers related to female reproductive organs like endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, uterine cancer are often detected during post menopausal period or perimenopausal period which is the transitional period. Such cancers show up with symptoms that can mimic menopause. Thus it is very important to know the similarities and differences between cancer symptoms and menopausal symptoms to ensure one does not ignore warning signs of underlying disease.

 Similarities in cancer and menopause

Symptoms like irregular and profuse bleeding per vagina, weakness, back pain, irritability, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain, body aches are common in both cancer and menopause.

 Differences between cancer and menopause

Cancer – leads to gross weight loss, nausea, reduced appetite, foul smelling white discharge per vagina. Investigations show abnormality. For e.g., the PAP smear test might be positive, the abdominal scan shows abnormal thickening or growth, tumor marker test like Ca 125 might be very high.

Menopause –  leads to weight gain, hot flushes, mood swings (anxiety and depression), night sweats, hair fall, irregular appetite, bloated abdomen, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, joint pain. Investigations like scan, PAP smear test, tumor marker test shows normal values.

By knowing the above differences one must take right action at right time and never ignore cancer symptoms mistaking it to be menopausal symptoms.

Thus be aware and avoid situations leading to grave conditions in the future.


Can cancer symptoms mistaken as menopause


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