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Dr. Priyanka Kujur, D. S. Research Centre. JAN 11. 3 years ago

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Cancer

New year begin with new hope and January month known as the “cervical cancer awareness month”, the importance of knowledge to maintain the cervical health to avoid cervical cancer and other gynaecological disorders has to be discussed and spread. With greater awareness & early detection by cervical screening known as PAP SMEAR TEST & HPV TEST (either in combination or alone) in order to take action before the cancer develops and to prevent its spread. It is also the right time to talk about the Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Cancer in order to give a special focus on Ayurvedic perspective and its measures of management on this.

Signs & Symptoms of cervical cancer:

  1. Bleeding per vagina after intercourse, between periods, after menopause or after pelvic examination.
  2. Unusual discharge or discharge mixed with blood.
  3. Irregular menses, menstrual bleeding that is longer & heavier than usual.
  4. Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse.

Also after it has spread:

Pelvic pain, trouble to urinate, swollen legs, bone pain, weight loss, lack of appetite, fatigue are observed.

Common myths and its actual facts about cervical cancer:-

#myth1: cause of cervical cancer is unknown.
#fact: various strains of HPV (Human Papilloma virus) which gets sexually transmitted.

#myth2: if you are HPV positive you will have cervical cancer.
#fact: it is not necessary.

#myth3: it is hereditary.
#fact: not hereditary.

#myth4: screening not necessary if no symptom.
#fact: screening required with or without symptom.

#myth5: after receiving vaccine Pap smear test not required.
#fact: required even after as it won’t protect from every strain of HPV.

#myth6: older woman not needed to screen.
#fact: needed up to at least 65yrs of age.

#myth7: common in woman with multiple partners.
#fact: also seen in woman with one partner.

#myth8: there is no such Ayurvedic treatment for cervical cancer.
#fact: there are many therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda to treat cervical cancer.

Risk factors of cervical cancer:-

Average age between late teens and mid 30, women over 40 remain at high risk, multiple sexual partners, HPV infection, sexually active at an early age, smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, delivery of first child before the age of 20yrs, woman with STD,HIV infection, Immune compromised woman.

Ayurvedic treatment For Cervical Cancer:

Cervical cancer is a cancer that affects the cells of lower part of the uterus which connects the vagina hence it can be compared with yonivyapad (yoni means uterus; vyapad means disease).There are different therapies in Ayurveda to manage different symptoms caused due to cervical cancer such as yonimukhavrana(cervical erosion), yoni srava(vaginal discharge), yoni kandu(itching), yoni daurgandhya(foul smell), katisoola(pelvic pain), udarasoola(abdominal pain), mutradaha(burning micturition) and the therapies are :-

A) Yonipicchudharankarma (sterile cotton swab dipped in medicated oil or ghee & placed at post fornix of vagina) with taila like guduchyaditaila, jatyaditaila, udumbaraditaila, saindhavadi taila.

B) yonivartidharan karma (vaginal suppository inserted intravaginally) with varti, arkadi varti, pippalyadi varti , nimbadi varti, palashadi varti, varti medicated with saindhavadi taila.

C) yoni prakshalan karma (vaginal douche or washing the vaginal area) with kwath made of nyagrodhadi, maharasanadi, kariradi, dashamoola, triphala, panchavalkal & pushyanagchurna.

D) Uttara basti (medicated decoctions, oil or ghee administered to uterine cavity via vaginal route) with jeevaniyadravya siddha taila, kutajakwath siddha ghrita, panchavalkalKashaya, amladravya, madhurdravya, guduchyadi taila.

E) yoni puran karma (vagina packing with medicated paste) with goghrit, vrihatshatavarighrit, phalaghrita, triphaladighrit, vrisha vasa.

F) oral medication such as kanchanarguggul, chandraprabhavati, triphalaguggul, jeerakamodak, pippalyadi churna, brihatsatavari ghrita, pushyanag churna with tandulaodak (ricewater), balataila, kashmaryadigrita, baladiyamak, vrishkadichurna.

This is how Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Cancer effectively prevents cervical cancer in its pre malignant stages & manages in its malignant stages by maintaining a healthy cervical flora. Proper & appropriate diet, food rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, vitamin D & physical activity are also required along with.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Cancer


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