Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. In the Ancient Ayurveda texts Charaka and Sushrutha Samahitha, the description of Cancer is Granthi and Arbuda, which results from an imbalance in the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Cancer is a chronic disease that not only impedes the body mechanism, but also results in mental stress and imbalance. A disturbed mind is prone to anxiety and depression. The main concept in Ayurvedic Cancer treatment is the balancing of the Tridoshas in conjunction with the disturbed mind. Ayurveda is concerned with maintaining a harmonious balance between body and mind. Through extensive research, Ayurvedic Cancer hospitals can now deal with the various types of cancer, and also the different stages of the same.
Ayurveda utilises a variety of herbs and medicinal formulations to assist in the recovery process naturally. It can help recover from existing ailments, and also prevent serious complications in the future. Ayurvedic Cancer hospitals provides treatment for the body and the mind through shodhan and shaman chikitsa. Shaman chikitsa is concerned with oral medications. Shodhan chikitsa promotes Panchakarma for the removal of toxins and excess doshas from the body, and for making the body calm and active. These can be supplemented by the practise of Yoga, and satvik diet to balance the body as well as mind. Ayurveda can also alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for Cancer treatment.
As per the ancient Ayurveda concepts, Ayurvedic Cancer hospitals treat cancer by treating its root cause – the deviation of metabolism which leads to uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Ayurveda focuses on maintaining the healthy cells and correcting the deviation of metabolism arising from imbalance in the Tridoshas. Given that Ayurveda works on the root cause of the disease, it helps prevent further recurrence or metastasis of the disease. Patients who approach Ayurvedic Cancer hospitals are mostly advanced cases, often Stage IV. They often have further health complications, fear of a reduced lifespan, and other issues. They come to the Ayurvedic Cancer hospitals with hope for recovery. The hospital has been witness to the recovery and survival of many such cases. The treatment has also resulted in improving the quality of life, and furthering the lifespan, of the patients.
Ayurvedic Cancer treatment plays a positive and important role in the lives of any Cancer patients. If Cancer patients seek Ayurvedic treatments for Cancer, they can definitely win the fight against their ailments. The Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital is a proud and happy witness to the growing number of Cancer survivors.
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Posted on April 15, 2016
Posted on April 15, 2016