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Dr. Geetanjali Mada, Ayurvedacharya, D.S. Research Centre, Bengaluru. MAR 24. 3 years ago

Ayurveda – The Science of Life and Wellness

“Ancient Ayurveda has an upper edge in treating and preventing diseases with emphasis on the Root cause.”

Ayurveda commonly known as ‘The Science of Life’ that originated in India more than 5000 years ago places great emphasis on a holistic approach that not only addresses the root cause of disease but also helps in the prevention of disease and maintenance of good health. It has remained distinct and unique and has stood the test of time...

Ayurvedic philosophy believes that people are born with a specific constitution, which is called Prakriti. Prakriti is governed by Tridoshas. An individual’s Prakriti is constantly influenced by internal factors as well as external environmental factors, Seasonal changes, Lifestyle choices etc. Ayurveda emphasizes on Prevention of disease by following Ritu charya (Seasonal Regimen) and Dinacharya(Daily Regimen). Ritucharya is a set of guidelines on diet and lifestyle for different seasons. It also suggests Dinacharya (daily routine), which bases daily activities around the cycles of nature, which helps in maintaining good health.

The practice of Ayurveda individualizes treatment based on understanding the Prakriti and dosha of the patient. It connects the disease condition (Roga), Its Pathogenesis (Samprapti) and the patient (Rogi) in order to arrive at a diagnosis. It targets the root cause of disease, builds the body’s defence system against the disease and works towards recovery from the disease.

A healthy mind is a precursor to good health. In the present day, Stress is the cause of several diseases. Ayurveda manages stress through Treatment, Yoga, Relaxation and Rejuvenation.

Definition of Health in Ayurveda states:

|| Sama dosha samagni ca sama dhatu mala kriya
prasannatmendriya manah svastha ityabhidiyate ||
~ Sushruta Samhita 15.38

Which means:

One is in perfect health when Three doshas ( Vata, pitta and Kapha) Digestive fire (Agni) all the body tissues & components (Dhatus) All the excretory functions (Mala Kriya) are in perfect balance along with a pleasant and contented mind, senses and spirit.

In conclusion, Ayurveda is a science that has a holistic approach to promote mental and physical health through prevention and treatment along with Improving the quality of life and longevity...

Ayurveda – The Science of Life and Wellness


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