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Dr. Shibangi Das BAMS, MD, PFCP (MUHS), DEMS Ayurvedacharya, D. S. Research Centre, Kolkata. JUN 20. 4 years ago


The 6th International Yoga Day is to be marked on 21st June 2020, with theme of “YOGA at HOME & YOGA with FAMILY”. Addressing the present condition of COVID-19 pandemic & Cancer patient’s wellbeing, discussion over necessity of Yoga is important.

Patanjali, the author of the Yoga sutra, stated "Yogashtantvrittirodhodha" means that by doing yoga regularly, one can control mind. As feelings of despair, anger, depression, hatred etc. keep arising in our mind which becomes very difficult to control, Yoga is a way to calm and please the mind. The mind remains calm and stable. Yogrishi Patanjali believed that the body moves with the mind. If the mind is happy then the body will also be healthy.  Regular practice of asana keeps the mind stable and gives strength to the body and its parts. 

All types of asana of yoga are beneficial for the body, but there are some asana which are very important for the body, they should be practiced daily. Along with the Yogaasan to stay healthy, practicing 3 pranayama steps (Anulom-Kumbhak-Vilom) is also advised by many yoga gurus. This helps in Nadi Shodhan, improving our Jatharagni, thus maintains balanced metabolism. 

How YOGA helps Cancer Patient:-

Many researches on Yoga state that Yoga increases physical, emotional and spiritual wellness, and brings about a certain peace, which many cancer patients wish to attain. Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation can reduce stress, promote healing, and enhance quality of life for patients who suffer Cancer. The growth of tumors and other cancer indicators are exacerbated by stress, thus it is especially important for people with cancer to reduce and manage stress effectively. Research suggests that yoga vitalizes mental and physical energy that improves fitness and reduces fatigue. Yoga also helps to reach a healthy sense of acceptance which is especially important for individuals dealing with life-threatening diseases as it decreases the stress the individual experiences from unpleasant effects or symptoms. The poses of Asana themselves are designed to exercise each and every muscle, nerve and gland of the body. The postures of asanas precisely address the holding of energy in any particular joint or organ. As the held energy is released, it flows throughout the body and allows patients to experience a sense of increased well-being and strength as well as a balance of mind, body and soul. Restorative postures, Savasana, Pranayama, and Meditation (Dhyana) encourage mental wellbeing thus improving sleep & reducing stress. Regarding Yoga effects for Cancer patients, researches show a decrease in post-chemotherapy-induced nausea frequency, nausea intensity, intensity of anticipatory nausea, and anticipatory vomiting, decreased anxiety, depression, and distressful symptoms. Results from another study showed patients experienced significantly lower intensity of pain and fatigue and increased invigoration, acceptance and relaxation. Reduced stress promotes healing, increased energy; decrease adverse effects of treatments and improved quality-of-life for Cancer patients.

Yoga promotes personal growth, health and well-being. By acknowledging the unity of Mind, Body and Soul Health care professionals, health educators can develop a Complete Care Regimen for Cancer patients.



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