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Medically Reviewed by Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty, BAMS MD (Kayachikitsa), Ayurvedacharya, DSRC Guwahati. MAR 08. 3 days ago


When we ask females what is it likely meant to be a woman, many replies that being a woman means strength, courage, equality, ability to maintain family and so on. Is it all about?  No, it doesn’t end there. As women, we need to understand our body and its need which is a healthy active lifestyle. Our good health does not only provide self-wellbeing but also our family and community wellbeing.

Surprisingly, being woman itself has become a risk factor for a few cancers. One in Eight denotes the incidence of Breast cancer in women. For every 8 women, one develops breast cancer in her life time. As per National Institute of Cancer Prevention And Research, for every 2 women diagnosed with breast cancer one succumbs to it in India. Around the world, breast cancer has raised to be the leading cancer in females, leaving Cervical Cancer behind.

Besides, other risk factors which are uncontrollable some can be prevented or controlled which primarily include lifestyle. Staying aware of these risk factors that can be controlled and adapting to good lifestyle can not only reduce the risk of breast cancer in women but also others.

Uncontrollable High Risk Factors:

1.    Gender: Even though breast cancer is also seen in Men it is highly seen in women.

2.    Age: As age advances women are more prone to breast cancer. Age group 30-60 and above.

3.    Family History: history of breast cancer in mother, sister [first degree relative] or relatives may increase your risk of getting it.

4.    Personal History : if you had previous history of breast, endometrial, ovarian, colon cancer you are at high risk

5.    Genetic Mutations: Inherited/ defective genes BRCA1 and BRCA 2.

6.    Reproductive Factors: Early Menarche and Late Menopause increases the risk by increased exposure to hormones for longer period.

7.    High Breast Density 


Preventable/Controllable High Risk Factors:

1.    Obesity: studies suggest that high Fat tissue can increase oestrogen levels there by increased risk of breast cancer mainly in post-menopausal women.

2.    High Fat Diet: risk is less in low fat diet women compared to high fat diet.

3.    Physical-Inactivity: being physically fit reduces the risk of breast cancer.

4.    Alcohol consumption: few studies show that increased alcohol consumption increases hormones mainly oestrogen thereby increasing risk for breast cancer.

5.    Hormonal replacement therapy: studies have established that greater risk is associated with Hormonal replacement therapy mainly in women using HRT to treat menopausal symptoms.

6.    Recent/ current use of Oral contraceptives.

7.    Late Pregnancy: pregnancy after 30 years of age increases risk of breast cancer.

8.    Not opting for Breast Feeding: during breastfeeding, mothers undergo hormonal changes that delay menstruation and decrease exposure to hormones especially oestrogen thereby reducing breast cancer risk.

If you can’t control your preventable/controllable risk factors, those risk factors will take control over you. The more you are aware, the less is the risk. Stay aware, stay healthy.



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